I just moved into a new apartment with a 1 yr lease a few weeks ago and my neighbors next to me and above me play their music very loud day and night. I'm a student and this is affecting my sleep and schooling to the point that it's unbearable. I've sent a letter of complaint to my landlord, but nothing has changed. If this continues I'm going to give my 30 days notice to end the tenancy at the end of October. A few things on the lease confused me though, am I expected to pay the rest of the year's rent until the unit is re-rented, or are the neighbors responsible for me leaving going to have to pay?
In the addendum it says: "The tenant is hereby responsible for paying the rent until the end of the lease. If the tenant wishes to break the lease the landlord agrees to make his best effort to re-rent the premises provided that the tenant agrees to pay liquidated damages (in respect of the cost of advertising and showing the apartment, getting it ready for the next tenant, and possible vacancy) which is the amount of the security deposit (half month's rent). "
but on the tenancy agreement it says : "If any tenant or tenant's guest causes another tenant to vacate his rental unit because of such noise, or other disturbance, harassment or annoyance or because of legal activity by the tenant or tenant's guest, the tenant must indemnify and save harmless the landlord all costs, losses, damages, or expenses caused thereby."
Anyone able to clear this up for me?