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How would you handle your boss calling you at home and threatening you?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:14 am
by freedomwins
I just got the strangest phone call from my boss. I work at a private salon ( small business ) and I've been there about a year. My boss ( owner ) is going through a divorce, and trying to get custody of his kids, and his ex-wife keeps messing with his head. I don't even know her and she put my name on her witness list for court! He thinks I have been talking with her! WTH!? He threatened me with my job and asked me to come up to the shop tomorrow. I lost my cool and told him I don't appreciate being threatened like that, and I can't understand why she did that since I don't even know her. :( Now I'm going to be out of a job and I am stressing because my hubby and I are struggling as it is. How should I handle this? I already suffer from anxiety and I know he will be talking about me behind my back to all his clients. Is it worth it? This is mistreatment, right?
She had to get my last name from ny license that is posted on my station.
and would you tell the person who interviews you on your next job offer? would you tell them the truth or would you just not list the job at all since I can't use him as a reference?
Testifying against the employer or in any court case where subpoenaed : You can’t be terminated for your testimony under subpoena.
I just copied and pasted this. It is from the employment laws in my state. So everyone here is right.

Re: How would you handle your boss calling you at home and threatening you?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:22 am
by Leo
Get to a lawyer and SUE him OR the company! :D $$$$$$