I bought a house last Friday and had an insurance policy that included shingle coverage on the roof of the home. Today, I was contacted by an insurance agent who said they sent a roof inspector to my house (without my knowledge) and they are not willing to cover the shingles on my roof due to what their inspector determined. Before I bought the house I had the roof inspected by a different, but accredited and licensed, roofer who did not work for the insurance agency and he said the roof has 10 years of life in it. In my opinion, the roof looks fine.
Do I have to agree to pay the same premium for homeowners insurance if the shingles (not the whole roof) are excluded? At my closing, I paid a year's insurance premiums in advance, and so for five days, the shingles were covered. Now, they're saying they won't cover them because their inspector was late, and I lost the opportunity to negotiate roofing repairs with the seller of the house. What will happen if I refuse to sign the paper excluding the shingles from my coverage? What are the odds I can get my insurance company to fix my roof because they had it covered on the day of my closing?