by mbrcatz » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:14 am
Well, you can just start with "I found it on the internet". That's probably the WORST way to buy health insurance, or any insurance, unless you're an EXPERT. Which most people aren't. And most EXPERTS, btw, use a local agent.
So, when you use that rate comparison website, one of three things happens:
1. the website owner gets paid 2 -3 cents for each click - it's only about making money for them. OR
2. the website is actually harvesting your personal information, to sell to agents, LOTS of agents, as leads. Which sounds like is what happened.
3. the website is designed to give you fake rates, to steer you to one particular company, to sell you THAT insurance for THAT company, at a different rate.
You didn't USE an agent. That's mistake #1.
As far as "buy it first, pay a nonrefundable enrollment fee, find out later what's covered", that's usually followed up by "the company keeps charging my credit card, no one is responding to my request to cancel, and I've never received any paperwork". BAD IDEA.
So, you can look up an AGENT, by NAME, on your state insurance department website, to see if they're licensed to sell insurance in your state. You can look up the insurance company, by name, on your state insurance department website to see if THEY are licensed to sell insurance in your state, and if they have complaints. You can ALSO ask the agent for an "AM BEST" rating, and try to look them up on AM BEST to verify their financial strength.
Look, the "agent" you're talking to, keeps talking about a PLAN. PLAN'S aren't insurance. They aren't regulated, there's no supervising authority. Every single think you're saying, just SCREAMS "I AM A SCAM!".
Don't do it.
Go find a local agent or broker near you, with a real office, that's open during regular business hours. They will sell you a REAL policy, will have their license on the wall for you to look at, and if you have problems, there's a real place you can go to walk in, and get help/answers. PLUS, it doesn't cost any extra.