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How to Astro Travel
Astro Travel, otherwise known as Astral Projection, is the process in which the spirit, or etheric body, separates from the physical body to travel in a dimension called the astral plane. This can be done deliberately or it can happen spontaneously while a person sleeps. Travelers may find themselves in a world very similar to what they are used to or in an abstract world. There are many methods one can use to astro travel, including the Monroe method. Read on to learn how.

Try the Monroe Method of Astro Travel

  1. Find a quiet place for your astro travel, preferably a place in which you will not be disturbed. You may need something to keep your body warm, like a comforter.
  2. Be sure that your clothing is comfortable. You may want to take off your glasses, if you wear them, and shoes.
  3. Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down.
  4. Relax. Mentally check your body for tense areas and consciously release the tension. Inhale and exhale slowly to help your body relax.
  5. Try to reach a sleepy state, also called the hypnogogic state. One way to do this is to focus on an image, like a flickering candle flame. If other images begin to appear in your mind then you are in a hypnogogic state.
  6. Take this state to a deeper level called “condition B.” Observe the space in front of your closed eyelids. You may suddenly see light patterns. When they disappear you are in condition B.
  7. Deepen condition B to “condition C.” In condition C, you lose awareness of your body and any sensory stimulation.
  8. Experience a state of vibrations. With a deeper experience of condition C, you will get to “condition D” in which your body begins to tingle then vibrate. This is a sign that you are ready to astro travel.
  9. Practice releasing a part of your etheric body, like your hand. While focusing on leaving your body, lift your etheric hand towards a close object and push it through. Return your etheric hand to your physical hand.
  10. Separate your etheric body from your physical body. You can try to “lift out” of your body by imagining yourself getting lighter, or you can “roll out,” as if rolling out of bed. When you find yourself out of your physical body, you can move around by just thinking about where you want to go.
  11. Learn more about astro travel by reading “Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-Of-Body Experience” by Robert Bruce (see Resources below).